Desperate Girl

This Meme cracked us up.

Desperate Girl Meme

Reminds me of this section from For Young Men Only:*

 “A girl we’ll call Molly told us that she had signed an abstinence agreement with her parents and fully intended to save sex until marriage.  But then she had a pushy boyfriend and wasn’t careful about the make-out situations she let herself get into.  Eventually Molly went with her desires and began a sexual relationship with him.

Here’s how she described her confused emotional state: “He’s the only guy I’ve ever been with, so I need to marry him.  He moved on and got another girlfriend, but I’m working my way back into his life.  I have to.”

Cue the creepy music.

Guys need to realize that Molly is not unusual.  Girls all over the country struggle with these same powerful, unwanted feelings after they become sexually intimate.”

Girls, almost every woman at some point in her dating life has made a fool of herself over love. It’s the stuff movies are made of.  But behind the desperate girl behavior is a broken heart because of misplaced trust and bad choices.

So prevent the problem from happening to begin with!  Decide in advance what your boundaries are to prevent temptation and stick to them.  For example…ahem … sticking with an open door policy if you are in a college dorm setting – never allow yourself to be alone behind closed doors with your boyfriend. And many more great ideas can prevent heartache –we just need to stick with them! Do any of our readers have suggestions for protective ideas to prevent this kind of broken heart triggered desperate girl clinginess?

*Excerpted from For Young Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn Copyright © 2008 by Shaunti Feldhahn. Excerpted by permission of Multnomah Books, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


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One Comment

  1. Fathers! Involved caring fathers! Two Parents working together and demonstrating true love! Just like your books teach them! Keep up the good work!


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