Butterfly Kisses

This story and video made me cry like a baby. This bride’s father had just passed away months before she got married, so she was unable to have the first dance with her daddy.  Watch what her family did for her … but go grab a tissue before you watch it. I love what this says about a close family, in which the brothers cared about their sister, and wanted to honor their father.

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  1. I can relate to this story and video.

    My father passed away at my wedding reception, during the last dance of the night.

    We had included both my husbands and my parents wedding anniversaries at the beginning of our wedding reception, presenting all four of them with a special moment and dance.

    How could we have known that the words my father (so unlike him) spoke to my mother that night would be not only the sweetest words he had ever said to her, but also, some of the last words he said to her.

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