Public Statement

Below is Shaunti’s public statement on Sheila Wray Gregoire’s comments, research and new book.

File last updated: March 5, 2021

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  1. Your book has been very damaging. I completely agree with the way Sheila says it comes across. That is exactly how it sounds. You are excusing sin by giving sinful examples in which the men clearly go beyond a quick thought or glance. Your examples are all lust. You end the chapter by saying men were created this way. God did NOT create men to be like this. Sin entered the world and this became something that people struggle with. They were not created or wired this way. Also, temptation is a fleeting thought or a woman coming into a man’s view, but if he continues to look at her or entertain the thought, that is lust. “Admiring beauty” is code for lusting and is sinful. He is taking pleasure in something that does not belong to him. Having a thought that someone is beautiful but moving on is not lust or sinful. Let’s hold our men to a higher standard. They were not created this way and while they might struggle with temptation, there is freedom in Christ. They can rewire their brain to help them to stop temptation in its tracks and see women as sisters and daughters in Christ.

    1. I also want to add that I only have the 2004 version. If you made any significant changes, there should have been a retraction of your original work. The way you are defending your book with this post leads me to believe your thoughts are still the same from one book to the next but please correct me if I’m wrong.

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