The road goes ever on and on …

Our family is having a BLAST on our New Zealand/Australia adventure! What a joy to combine speaking engagements with touring beautiful sites. Here are a few of the highlights so far:

You know those once in a lifetime family trips you’ve always wanted to take? This is ours! Arrived in Auckland, New Zealand and are so excited to have 6 days here to see this beautiful country, then on to Australia!


We were so grateful for our new friends Gloria and Alan (mutual friends with another couple) who put us up in Auckland last night and fed us an amazing home-cooked meal and gave us some nice warm beds that were soooo welcome after 26 hours of travel! We will be back here Thursday, but now, we are off to explore the countryside!


Greetings from Middle Earth! We are all total Lord of the Rings nerds in our family, so we are fulfilling a dream of seeing the Hobbiton Movie set in Matamata, New Zealand! What a neat place.


The Family at Bag End, the famous home of Bilbo and Frodo. This place is amazing!




The latest in our New Zealand chronicles: we have had the craziest once-in-a-lifetime experience! We heard about this amazing place called Hot Water Beach. NZ is part of the Ring of Fire with tons of geothermal activity, and this beach on the Pacific Ocean has hot springs UNDER THE BEACH! You can only access them at low tide but once you find them you can dig your own hot tub! And keep in mind this is deep winter here! So the crazy Feldhahns decide to try to dig a hot tub under the stars last night. Strikeout. The ultra-cold waves overran every attempt we made to dig a wall! We decided to nickname it Hypothermia Beach instead. This morning: redemption! We tried again, banding together with a dozen other people to build one giant hot pool, who could keep rebuilding the walls when the waves overran it! What a unique experience!
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