How men think they HAVE to speak to women … and the better approach!

My niece posted this online and I’m trying not to laugh out loud, because this is EXACTLY how men think they HAVE to speak to women – and, uh, yeah, sometimes they DO! (If you don’t drink, forgive me in advance for finding this really amusing.)


But that said, there’s a serious point here. In real life, all this does is play into the stereotyped reality of what men ALREADY secretly think, which is that a guy a) can’t really understand his woman and/or b) can’t win! But we discovered in the For Men Only research about women that neither is true! So do you mind if I use this as a back-door way to share what actually DOES help you understand women and DOES work?

Here’s the guy-friendly answer key for lines 1 – 5, of what women actually DO long for, that is realistic for most men.  Line 1: Safer or Safest. Line 2: Safer or Safest. Line 3: None of the above. Instead listen to her feelings about it and she’ll feel heard. (Perhaps “Ultra Safe” is part of that!) Line 4: Uh…. Maybe Safer.  But also see Line 2 again! Line 5: Safer.

So combine 12 years of rigorous social research with one really hysterical meme and you’ve got some really good advice on how to speak to women. 🙂

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