Join Me Tonight for a Major Announcement on Facebook Live


You know those days when you are so excited about something, you’ve just gotta tell somebody? That is how I feel about what is going on with the new book launch and the 30-day Kindness Challenge initiative that goes with it!

First things first: Although no-one knows it yet, The Kindness Challenge, my new book, went on sale this morning!!! Picture me doing a quiet little happy dance over here.

Why aren’t we doing the full-court press for publicity yet? Well, the technical book publication date is December 20, but we have been holding back the tide to ask almost every radio outlet, print publication, and other media group to launch their publicity about it in January.

(That said, even though it isn’t time for the “real” book launch, I would LOVE advance buzz from YOU all, who know me! So I would love you to buy it, or give as a Christmas present to a friend.)

There is one major radio program today (Janet Parshall’s), but everyone else is holding off until January 9, after the holidays, with a week until the 30-Day Kindness Challenge starts on January 16.

And it is because of what is going on with the 30-Day Kindness Challenge that I’m going to do my FIRST EVER Facebook Live at 8 pm tonight!  It will be just a few minutes, but I will share some crucial information  about the incredible things that are happening. And what God appears to have been doing behind the scenes to set up a MAJOR movement of kindness in January.

I’ll be doing the Facebook Live from my parents’ cabin in the rural mountains of Virginia, and I know all of us have a lot of Christmas shopping still to do, so I’ll keep it short! I would love you to join us, but if you can’t, be sure to come to my Facebook page and check out the video of it afterward.

Because not only is it interesting to hear what God is doing … there may be some things you realized YOU are called to be doing, to be a part of it! And we would love for you to be a part of this movement.

We’ll talk to you tonight!

REMEMBER:  Come to my Facebook page at 8pm ET tonight to listen to the news live! 


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