Help Us Lead a Movement of Kindness

Dear Leader,

Thank you for your interest in leading this movement of kindness! This is a time in our culture when people have become very aware of how unkind we’ve become, especially during this year of brutal presidential politics and social division.  We believe solutions to transform this culture should be led by the body of Christ!

What is the 30-Day Kindness Challenge?

My new book covers a multi-year study of the surprisingly powerful impact of kindness on relationships and society, in particular an application we call the 30-Day Kindness Challenge.  About 750 participants picked a particular person in their life – spouse, child, co-worker, mother-in-law – and for thirty days a) said nothing negative about them (either to that person or about them to someone else), b) found one thing each day to affirm (to the person and about them to someone else) and c) did a small act of kindness or generosity.

My conclusions after all of that: a) People often don’t realize how unkind they are being, until after they are purposeful about it.  b) Kindness is a superpower.   And c) Whether we thrive in life and relationships is far more related to how we treat other people, than how we ourselves are treated.  All of which is not surprising from a biblical perspective, and which you’ve likely seen many times in your work – but is a message our culture desperately needs.

What can you do?

You have the opportunity to create a private-label version of the 30-Day Kindness Challenge for your church, ministry or group (e.g., The Hills Church 30-Day Kindness Challenge) to specifically engage your followers, reach out to new people and lead the way in this kindness movement.

There are a few different ways to execute the challenge; but for every group that signs up, participants receive 30 daily reminder emails we’ve tested and found effective.  You can either send those emails from your system (which, as a side note, provides a great email acquisition strategy), or refer people to ours.

We’ve seen the 30-Day Kindness Challenge go viral and attract new participants as the Challenge goes on; people are so excited about the results they tell everyone!  It is not just a way to impact our culture: it is a wonderful tool for engaging and ministering to your people and reaching out to others.

Will you help lead this movement of kindness? 

If you would like to sign on to be a leader in the 30-Day Kindness Challenge, or would like more information, email Nola Meyer – [email protected].

Thank you for your heart to transform our culture!

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One Comment

  1. Hello! I am very interested in the 30 day challenge and would like to implement it with our MOPS Group: Northpark Community Church MOPS. Thank you!

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