An (Updated) Letter from Shaunti: Do you want to help lead the launch of The Kindness Challenge in early 2017?

Hi friends –

There is something very exciting happening, and we can’t release details yet (we’ll be able to reveal everything on our website and private webinar in September!), but for now I’d like to ask you to consider this question: Are you or your group interested in being a part of our launch team for The Kindness Challenge in January / February 2017?

If you want to hear more, contact us and we will email you as soon as we are free to share. We are looking for individuals, groups, churches, businesses, leadership networks, ministries, schools, counseling centers, broadcasting networks, moms, dads, singles, young people, retirees…. anyone who will reach out to their sphere of influence.  We need your leadership in a movement to transform relationships and our culture with kindness.

We are not taking sign-ups quite yet, but we are getting very close!  Contact us if you want us to keep you updated and let you know when I schedule my private webinar just with those on the launch team.  And in the meantime, take a look at the background briefing and sneak peek at our research findings below!

With appreciation,

Shaunti Feldhahn


Here is a bit of background: My new book The Kindness Challenge will be launching at the New Year, based on the research for the 30-Day Kindness Challenge that many of you participated in.  Through this process we have seen the astounding power of kindness to transform hurting relationships, make good ones better – and change our culture.

And it is so simple. For thirty days, all people do every day is 1) stop saying negative things to or about someone, 2) say positive things to and about them instead and 3) do small acts of generosity.

That’s it.  So simple but so powerful.

Want a confidential sneak peek from the research about just how powerful?  Take a look:

Screenshot 2016-05-03 06.30.55

When I got the before-and-after survey results back, I had to recalculate it just to be sure the number was truly that high!  Not everyone chose to do the actual 30-Day Kindness Challenge (some people concentrated on the “daily tips” we sent out instead), but nine out of every ten people who did saw their relationship improve. It didn’t matter whether someone was doing this for a spouse, a child, a colleague, in-law, neighbor…  89% improved across the board.

All because someone was kind — in a very specific way. A way that eliminates all delusion about how unkind we often are and provides a method that is simple and do-able for everyone from the astute, experienced, self-improvement junkie, to the struggling spouse grasping at straws, to the supervisor or school administrator who needs a method to improve a toxic environment.

Our culture is in desperate need of kindness – especially with this book releasing in January 2017 after the most divisive and harsh presidential election cycle imaginable. I could never have planned the timing on this, but Someone else sure did!

Please click here to learn more in a few weeks, about how you can be a part of it!

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One Comment

  1. What a great challenge that we all need to take part in!! I have two small children, 8 & 4, and the world we are leaving them is falling apart as we speak. We need God back in our daily lives – and what a great way to honor Him is through kindness. Love thy neighbor!!!

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