Launching my new book Through A Man’s Eyes TODAY!

Hi friends, I am so thrilled that after years of need and years of research, my Through a Man's Eyeslatest book for women, Through a Man’s Eyes, is releasing today!

In this book, Craig Gross, founder of, and I team up to help women understand something that affects the lives of every man and boy every day… but that most of us as women are often completely blind to.  I’m talking, of course, about the visual nature of men

When I released For Women Only ten years ago (has it really been that long?!), the chapter that instantly sparked the most attention and controversy was the Visual chapter.  Both as a social researcher and as a wife and mom, it became very clear to me very quickly that there was no other single issue that so deeply affects so many millions of men, of which so many millions of women were completely unaware.   A few thousand words in one chapter clearly wasn’t enough.

So now it is time to take that subject and blow it up to book size: to help us as women understand and support the husband, son, boyfriend, friend, father, brother or colleague that we care about.

If you are in any kind of relationship with a male humanoid-type-person, I hope this book will open your eyes to the fact that the male visual brain wiring is a gift, and is intended to be a good thing!  But in today’s sexualized culture it also creates challenges for men and boys today that they were never supposed to face.  Do you know how to talk to your husband about this, without freaking out?  Do you know how to help your son grow up as an honorable young man in a culture filled with images he was never supposed to see?  Or if problems have arisen, do you know how to have not only strength but compassion when confronting a man’s poor choices, or how to walk the road to healing and wholeness for not only your man but your marriage?

This book is for every woman, whether our men have fallen into real problems or whether they are just living with normal visual male brains in today’s abnormal culture.

Ladies, let’s have our eyes opened.  Let’s finally be able to see what men see.

Please support this book launch by buying your copies today!




A message for every wife, girlfriend or mom from Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross, about Through A Man’s Eyes.

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