Prayer need: Eye surgery tomorrow


Hi friends, colleagues, and prayer partners: Iā€™m having that outpatient eye surgery at 8 am ET tomorrow, and would sure love your prayers for not only the procedure itself but ā€“ just as important ā€“ a successful recovery during my eye heals properly and with NO PAIN.

As many of you know, my eye injury in January healed but it didnā€™t quite heal right. If we donā€™t fix it, it will risk tearing the cornea again and again. (Essentially, the top layer of the cornea isnā€™t sticking to the other layers, and a couple of times overnight it stuck to my eyelid ā€¦ so when I opened my eyes in the morning it took the top layer of the cornea with it. ā€˜Ouchā€™ doesnā€™t even begin to cover it. I canā€™t risk that happening in a hotel somewhere far from medical help, or right before Iā€™m supposed to speak.)

Tomorrow morning the doctor (a cornea specialist) will scrape off the top layer of my cornea again, so it will heal properly. Iā€™ll have about a 3-5 day recovery, the first half of which I will not be able to open my eyes and will be essentially blind. (Quite the unique experience!) As I have told some of you before (someone made a crack about ā€œonly Shaunti would know the statistics on this!ā€) 97% of the time this procedure is successful and the problem never recurs! Yay! But it is also usually very painful (just like the original injury) so Iā€™ve battled with a wee bit of fear. At this point, though, Iā€™m just SO grateful for the miracle of modern medicineā€¦ and the fact that God hears our prayers. Iā€™m trusting His work the next few days, and for this to be all over and done with very soon!

Iā€™d sure appreciate your prayers these next few days, for a quick, successful, and pain-free recovery!

Thanks, friends!


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  1. Praying for you, Shaunti! Who is your doctor? My mom is having a corneal transplant next week b/c she has an eye disease. Praying for peace and trust for you and for a full recovery.

  2. You are absolutely precious! ” I am the God who sees…you” is what I am hearing. He is restoring many things as he restores your eye. In Jesus’ name, I bless all the things that You are restoring that have been damaged, stolen or lost that belong to Shaunti. Restore them 10 fold and remove any pain or blockages that exist that are preventing her from walking into the very large destiny You have for her and Jeff. Love them large! Amen

  3. Dear Shaunti
    Peace and expedited healing be yours today. God bless all facets of prep-op, surgery and post care. You may he blind to your human life and surroundings for a brief time but i bet your senses are awakened and heightened In a beautiful way to picture gods face and hear his voice.Ć·)

  4. Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Mater of us all! Touching and agreeing in prayer asking You Lord to be Shaunti’s surgeon on this day. That You will encamp his Angels all around her. Lord every medical person that is a part of this surgeon team to include those that are most important, that serialized equipment & sanitized the room, lead, guide and protect. We ask that you make this eye procedure beyond the success of man. Please Lord Let there be any mistakes or failures. Bless with proper healing, painless with restoration of her eyesight. We trust you Lord and we put it all in Your Loving Care.. We will ever be so careful to give You all Glory & Praise! Amen

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