Sweet “Best of 2014” gift from Focus on the Family!

ShauntiplaqueI just got a box from Focus on the Family on my doorstep, and thought “Huh?” I’m not working on any projects with them requiring packages at the moment. I opened it with some curiosity and found this wonderful gift! Since you probably can’t see the small print, it is a framed CD of a Focus on the Family broadcast with a sweet note from Jim Daly, with thanks for my two-day show, that was one of their top broadcasts of 2014!

The CD says “Focus on the Family Best of 2014” and then under that, the title of the two-day broadcast I did with them earlier in the year, “Uncovering the Secrets to a Happy Marriage I-II”. Then there’s this inset note:

Shaunti –

I’m pleased to report that “Uncovering the Secrets of a Happy Marriage” was among Focus on the Family’s top-rated broadcasts for 2014! Your insights on what makes for happier, more fulfilling marriages was enlightening and uplifting. Thank you for sharing your findings with our listeners!

– Jim Daly

They had let me know late last year that the show was a top broadcast and that they were rerunning it during the holidays in the weeks they set aside for the most popular shows. But it was SO KIND of them to think to commemorate it this way. I know it must sound funny, but there is something really special about seeing that in print from one of the ministries that I respect so much.

So here’s a big thank you back to Jim Daly, John Fuller, and the rest of the Focus team –especially the broadcast team: I truly love working with you guys! Thank YOU for the opportunity to share, and for what all of you do every single day to strengthen marriages and families.

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