The Best Habit for Improving Marriages (A Note for Leaders)

Hi Leaders!  Thank you for all you do!  I have a suggestion for an upcoming habit-changing initiative that will dramatically help the couples in your church, small group or counseling practice.

The Premise

In one of my early For Women Only radio interviews, Nancy Leigh Demoss suggested something to her listeners that I have since researched and found to be one of THE most important habits for transforming a hurting relationship or making a good one great — because it actually makes someone much more satisfied with their marriage!  We are starting a thirty-day initiative shortly, and I’d love to recommend it to the couples you work with!  They can follow along on our social media, or we will send you the links to all the posts so you can share each daily post with your couples.

The Need

We can tell a wife that her husband needs respect and appreciation, but what if she doesn’t feel he deserves it? We can tell a man his wife needs certain actions to feel loved, but what if he is upset and irritated and doesn’t feel like it?  The couple can and should do the right thing, regardless of how they feel — but how much better for a spouse to WANT to do the right thing because they have come to feel so much more respect, love, appreciation and gratitude for their spouse, and so much less dissatisfaction! That is where our 30 Day Kindness Challenge comes in. It is basically a practical application of Philippians 4:8 (think on whatever is worthy of praise….) that will create a whole new mindset – and a whole new habit.

The Schedule: January 16 – Valentine’s Day! (Or whenever your people can join in.)

We are starting the 30 Day Kindness Challenge this Friday January 16 and ending on Valentine’s Day (with an optional but very meaningful gift that someone can give their spouse on the big day).  I hope you’ll join us – and share this with your people!  It’s easy to share.

They can either follow along on our social media with our schedule (starting Friday, January 16th, or if you would like to receive those links by email just send a request to  [email protected]  and we will email them to you. Then just follow the link and SHARE the post over the 30 days to keep wives and/or husbands engaged with the challenge!

Whichever way you do it, we hope you will join us!  We would love to see tens of thousands of marriages being transformed, renewed or just plain enjoying life together more! Get the details of the challenge below.



For 30 Days Change What You Think, Say and Do, And Watch Your Marriage Change Too!

Starting January 16 and ending Valentine’s Day, February 14, we hope you will join us for the 30 Day Kindness Challenge! What is the challenge? For 30 days:

1. Don’t say anything negative to or about your spouse or significant other. 

2. Find at least one thing each day that you appreciate about your mate, and tell them and at least one other person.

3. Each day, do one little act of kindness for your mate.

It’s that simple! Whether your relationship is rah-rah or rocky, doing these three little things will be the best possible gift you can give yourself and your relationship. Try it and see! Maybe enlist a few friends and do it as a group. Then join us for the 30 Day Challenge by liking us on Facebook so that you can receive our tips and ideas for each day of the challenge!

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