Writer Wanted!

We are looking for a writer who can embody Shaunti’s voice through both original pieces and re-purposing of existing content. Do you meet deadlines in a timely fashion? Listen to constructive criticism and suggestions without taking offense? Have a passion for Shaunti’s work to improve relationships by explaining the little things that make a big difference? Send us an email to [email protected] and see if you can join our team.

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  1. Writer wanted! I answer the applicant criteria.

    Yes, I could embody Shaunti’s voice through both original pieces and re-purposing of existing content.

    Yes, I have over 50 years experience of meeting deadlines for advertising and journalistic writings in ALL media. Yes, I thoroughly learned to “kill my babies” with good grace when my stories and poetry pieces were work-shopped during my B.A. diploma days as a mature student. I learned to become a more polished professional – after I had worked successfully as a writer for many years previously!

    My God-given talent and mission is to write for the glory of my Lord. It may be that my use-by date appears to be over. I am now “retired,” but feel, act and look so young that this is a false concept to me.

    I am currently nearly finished writing my first book (with my publisher Xlibris guiding me.) Strangely enough, it is based on the transcripts of a dating site (be2) true romance, intriguingly titled “Frog and Frogette,” a deeply emotional and spiritual love story with suspenseful to-and-fro tuggings of belief and suspicion.

    I have another book up my sleeve; based on the book of Jeremiah (a book within a book within a book.) It will contain testimony of my own personal prophetic inspirations from my God, since becoming born-again (ex-atheist) at 37.

    I also create inspirational calendars with my own graphic art on computer, and have written music and lyrics for my own CD of 7 original spiritual songs since my days as a muso with a church band. I was used as an Elder, Counsellor, Worship and Home Group leader, Sunday night preacher of the Word and other ministries within my Melbourne Baptist Church.

    As I live in far-away Australia, I haven’t the faintest idea if my resume would be of interest for your Shaunti team.

    Be blessed – it’s a bright nue dae dawning.

    (Rosemary) Dawn Tarlow Hodges

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