True Love at the Airport

What a SWEET older couple was boarding the plane in front of me today! Married 56 years, moving a bit carefully as they boarded, but the husband put his arm around his wife and held her as they walked all the way down the jetway. Private smiles and loving looks and whispers ‘are you doing okay?’ as they walked. Such a great example of a husband doing what seems like (to him) the very littlest of things (simply putting his arm around her) but yielding the biggest dividends in making his wife feel loved for a lifetime.

It also struck me that there was something else priceless about this couple. He was putting his arm around her but I could tell he was also a bit shaky on his feet. A bit more than she was. Which meant, in effect, that he was loving her well—and she was helping to support and steady him as they moved forward. Boy, that is what we all want in our marriages isn’t it?

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One Comment

  1. This is SO sweet! I’m so glad you shared it … and I’m glad we did your interview on KSBJ. I’m loving your blog!

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