
True Love

The past three years, I have been researching the things that set happy couples apart from other couples. One of the things I discovered is that happy couples have an overt sense of gratitude for their spouse. This video brought home in a very tangible way just what this looks like. Most of us will never be challenged to the degree of this sweet couple but may we all focus on the primary things rather than the secondary things. Have some tissue close by!

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  1. What a beautiful story of love and commitment. The truth is that life brings hardships in our broken world. This wife faced them with unbelievable courage because she had not yet married him and could have backed out. No one would have judged her for doing so.

    I heard Laura Story in concert. She shared how her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor after they were married. She loved him and was committed to caring for him. Some of her beautiful music comes out of the pain she experienced.

    Thank you for posting that video. I will be sharing it.

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