God Bless America!

On this Independence Day, especially in the light of the upheaval in Egypt, I am appreciating our country even more! Last night Jeff and I went on our first date night in ages,  to see the movie White House Down, which is my perfect type of movie (lots of explosions and car chases).  I was actually pretty interested in the fact that in part of the movie there are several scenes of the Presidential helicopter landing on the White House lawn because it reminded me of how this time last year I was actually standing on the lawn of the White House with my family, when President Obama’s helicopter landed.  As we watched our President board and fly away, I was amazed by the fact that we as average Americans could be standing there on the President’s house lawn.

waiting on Marine OneMarine One

Obama to Marine OneI totally saw that really it’s not just the President’s house it truly is “the people’s house”.  Whether you disagree with the president or think he’s doing a great job it reminded me of just how blessed we are to live in this free country!

In the middle of the movie during one particularly intense fighting scene in which the bad guys are trying to kill the president of the United States character my husband, Jeff turned to me and said, “You know I really need to pray for the president a lot more.”   When I heard him I thought he was joking, but when I turned to him I realized that he was completely serious.

There are people in our country and around the world who would love to take out the head of our country. It really is a good reminder to me that the attacks need not come by terrorists taking over the White House, but there certainly are people who would love to kill the President.  We do need to pray for our President.

There are also people and actions trying to undermine our presidency and our system of government every day just by trying to be divisive for the sake of being divisive. One of the things that I have been sad about in recent years is watching how polarized we have become as a nation and hoping that it doesn’t take some world terrorist threat like 9/11 to bring sour country together again. So, that’s my Fourth of July encouragement to all of us, let’s strive for a little more unity and pray for our president regardless of how you feel about the individual in office at the time or whether you even voted for him.  Let’s pray!  May God Bless America!


Read more about our trip last year in Mom Life Today

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