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So many of you have been so diligent to share, I have to take this opportunity to share!  I have gotten several encouraging comments back from readers over the last few weeks and I want to share some of them with you.

From Kim:  “I was just telling my engaged daughter yesterday that “For Women Only” would be a good book for her to read before she got married and that I was planning to get the revised copy. I will continue to share what a wonderful book this is!!”

From Kristen:  “I have to tell you that I am a military wife who has lived in Japan, Germany and Madrid since the first book was published.  In each country, I was able to bless many women with the message in For Women Only.

By the way… did you know the book is translated into 23 different languages?

From Heather: “I know who I’m giving the books to!  I love Shaunti’s books and wish I had a whole stack of them on my shelf to give to those who need to read them. I’m a pastor’s wife in MA.  I work with the Women’s Ministry team and long for the day when we can have Shaunti come speak to our ladies …I know they’d love to hear from her perspective!  Great Job Shaunti!”

I met a man a few days ago when I spoke to a group of men and women who were single again. He came up with tears in his eyes and said ‘if we had known this my wife and I would still be married…’.

This weekend I met and prayed with a young wife who had filed for divorce and was in tears as she realized that it hadn’t just been her husband hurting her —she had been hurting him and never realized it. She was wrestling with whether to pause the divorce, which was almost final, and give their marriage another chance. I am praying for her.

Learning and applying this stuff takes courage sometimes, especially when you are already in a difficult situation. But it is so worth it. AND it is also why I am so passionate about getting this information into the hands of people before they are married –to save marriages in advance.

There are many resources available on my website.  Consider passing this link on to a friend who might need a source of encouragement in their relationship:

Over the next few weeks, you will see my blog posts regarding the book release activities begin to taper off.  I have to concentrate on completing the next book and meet an upcoming deadline with my publisher.  But hearing your comments fan the flame of my passion for this message.  It energizes me to get into the head down, fingers to the keys, focused on the next book “mode”.  So, feel free to leave a comment below and tell me how you have shared the books!

Thanks for Sharing,


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  1. I have been married for 42 years, a good marriage. I have been reading For Women Only and, again and again, I shake my head because I can hear my husband‘s voice in my head from the past years responding to what I now understand as faulty wifely reaction to his ‘ man-ness‘. Each chapter gives me new insight of my dear husband and I will have to apologize belatedly. I am glad he loves me anyway.

  2. I have a two personal observations regarding your books. (Based on first Edition Only)
    1.) Men & Women’s Thought Process:
    I have long pondered why the thinking process of men and women is so different. I come to this viewpoint: I believe all men process their thoughts through their spirit and they need to be still and quiet and discern from their spirit what they feel/think about an issue. It takes time, stillness to discern where they stand out of the depth of their spirit. Women seem to be soulish in their thinking. They are quickly in touch with their soul (emotions) and can express it quickly. A women that imposes her soul upon a mans spirit destroys the stillness and quietness he needs for discernment. Its like salad dressing – the soul is like oil and the spirit is like water. A man gathers his spirit to concentrate and make judgments. A women that allows the oil of her soul to pour into a mans spirit destroys his ability to gather and focus.
    2.) Men’s Survey
    I was very disappointed to learn where men’s minds seemed to traffic based on your surveys. I felt American men must have no real or effective discipleship in their life. I felt your book was therefore a response to carnal men. I strongly felt the book needed to be interjected with scripture about the proper way for everyone to think and to guide women towards not just responding and coping with bad thinking, but to know right thinking and perhaps wisdom to spur healthy and upright thinking in their relationships.

    1. Thank you for your comment, David. Shaunti enjoys hearing from her readers but is unable to personally respond to each comment we receive. The purpose of Shaunti’s books are not, necessarily, to give a perspective based on a Christian worldview. Though Shaunti does embrace a Christian worldview, her intent as well as that of the publisher, was not to put forth her own views but rather to report the results of her national surveys which unveil the private thoughts and feelings of men and women in general. The surveys were conducted with a wide range of men and women from various demographics, including Christian and non-Christian. There are numerous valuable books on the market that address these issues solely from a Christian perspective. We appreciate you taking the time to share your comments with us.

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