Shout Out for Shaunti

Hi Everyone,

Today’s blog post is a joint effort from some of Shaunti’s staff members, the “Shauntets” as we affectionately call ourselves.

We are so excited to see all the excitement happening these past few weeks… we are having a blast!

The newly revised and updated For Men Only and For Women Only books became available last Tuesday, and it’s been a week FULL of fun, including a Trivia Scavenger Hunt, a Buy Buy Books promotion event, Facebook and Twitter parties, technical issues with the website (that part wasn’t so fun – please continue to bare with us as we work out some bugs), and lots of great help from you in spreading the word about Shaunti’s books!

While all this fun has been happening, Shaunti has been hard at work at events, hopping planes here and there, working to meet a deadline on her NEXT book, AND making it a priority to squeeze in some family time as well.

So we are taking it on ourselves to hijack the blog today and ask you to continue the frenzy of getting the word out. Let’s get real about how the messages in For Women Only or For Men Only have made a difference in our relationships, and share that message with our friends this week. (You don’t have to share names, just use general relationship terms.)

Here’s one of ours:  “I learned that most men struggle with insecurities of some sort from Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, For Women Only and I became intentional about affirming my husband even after 20 years of marriage!”

Use the quick statements below to fill in the blanks about your real experience and let’s give a Shout Out for Shaunti today!

We appreciate all your efforts to spread the word to a new generation of readers!  And Shaunti absolutely does too!

A special note from Shaunti: Thanks to ALL who helped me celebrate the release of the newly revised and updated For Men Only and For Women Only books last week, and a special CONGRATULATIONS to those who won prizes during my Book Release Party!! Winners will be contacted via email this week and will have 48 hours to claim their prize.

Help us give Shaunti a BIG shout out today!!

Share how Shaunti’s books have made an impact in your life on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, and be entered to win a copy of one of the newly updated and revised editions of For Men Only or For Women Only.

On Facebook, copy/paste the following and fill in the blanks: “I learned ___________ from Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, _________, and it impacted my relationship with ____________.

On Twitter, click here and fill in the blank to tweet: “The insights in @ShauntiFeldhahn’s #ForMenOnly & #ForWomenOnly have impacted my relationship with _________!

On Pinterest, click here and fill in the blanks to pin: “I learned ___________ from Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, _________, and it impacted my relationship with ____________.”

OR, create your own update: tag Shaunti and share the link,

Share a review of For Men Only or For Women Only on Amazon or other online retailer, and be entered to win a copy of the new “ONLY” DVD series with Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn!

Once you’ve given Shaunti a shout out, go to this link and tell us the ways you shared it.

We’ll draw for prizes from among all who helped spread the news this week and announce the winners next week on the blog! (Winners must have a valid US mailing address and will have 48 hours to respond via email to claim their prizes.)

Congratulations to Susan & Kristen who won their choice of For Men Only or For Women Only for helping to spread the word about the launch of the books last week!!



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