Anticipation – Only One Week to Go!!
Ok, bear with me here… I obviously have a song in my heart these days! “Antici-pa-a-tion…..” You know that song? That’s what comes to mind as we are ONE WEEK away from releasing the UPDATED edition of our signature books!!
Almost 13 years ago Jeff and I were lying back on the floor of our living room, looking up at the ceiling, and talking about how in the next week, our lives were about to change forever! We had this incredible sense of the unknown, and yet the anticipation of the inevitable event!
What was that event? I was 9 months pregnant and 1 week overdue and I knew the baby would be coming the next day. The days before a book release is similar to the feeling I had the days before delivering a baby. So much time and effort has been invested, and there is so much hope for the future. And at the same time there is this sense of the unknown.
The difference in my current anticipation for the release of the Revised and Updated For Women Only and For Men Only isn’t nervousness or fear, though. We’ve done this before — with the same books in fact! Last time, we didn’t know what would come, but this time, we know just how many millions of lives and marriages have been impacted in the past few years. We have seen the faces and heard the amazing things God has done!
And so now we have such hope that many millions of more lives and marriages will be encouraged and strengthened with the update of these important messages for a new generation of readers. I’m nervous because I want to reach that new generation, and there are so many other competing messages – but if God carries this along, there is the potential of so many other lives changing because of a simple ah-ha moment and those changes can begin to take place in less than a week!
So here we go, diving into the last week before the books hit the shelves. I want to make a special offer to you, because you know the difference the information in the books can make, and you have been the ones to spread the news!
Spread the news in as many ways as you can think of:
- Post on Facebook (we have some pre-written posts below that you can copy/paste)
- Tweet it on Twitter (easy click-to-share pre-written posts available below)
- Email a friend a link to the webpage about the updated editions (link here to the relaunch page)
- Share your story with a friend of how one of the simple “ah-ha” moments from the original books, changed your understanding of the opposite sex
- Pre-order the book from your local bookstore or online
And once you have spread the news, go to this link and tell us the ways you shared it.
We’ll draw for prizes [including a copy of the new For Women Only For Men Only and For Couples only three in one Video Study Pack (releasing summer 2013) and more books] from among all who helped spread the news this week and announce the winners next week on the blog! (Winners must have a valid US mailing address and will have 48 hours to respond via email to claim their prizes.)
Last Week’s Winners
Congratulations to Kim and Jerry who each won copies of the revised and updated “For Women Only” and “For Men Only” books by helping to spread the news last week!
Ok, let’s start spreading the news…
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Tweet This: ONE WEEK until @ShauntiFeldhahn’s #ForMenOnly and #ForWomenOnly books are relaunched with BRAND NEW CONTENT!!
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ONE WEEK until Shaunti Feldhahn’s life-changing books, “For Men Only” and “For Women Only,” are released with BRAND NEW insights on the opposite sex!! Read more about it here:
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Pin This: ONE WEEK until these LIFE-CHANGING books from Shaunti Feldhahn are released with BRAND NEW CONTENT!!
If you shared about the release of the Revised and Updated For Men Only and For Women Only this week, be sure to fill out this simple participation form to be entered into this week’s giveaway drawing. We’ve got lots of goodies to hand out!!
So excited for this relaunch, Shaunti! Now we have even better resources to use for our Marriage Success Training (premarital counseling) at out church
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I just tweeted about it! thanks! i really hope i win!! heard you in Lynchburg VA last month and would love to read your book!