Thankful to Work for Shaunti

With Thanksgiving approaching, we – the Shauntets, as we have dubbed ourselves – thought it would be fitting for each of us to let you know what it is we are most thankful for in working for Shaunti.  So unbeknownst to Shaunti, we secretly set out to capture the thoughts of each team member.  Wish we could capture her face when she sees this on her blog on Thanksgiving Day!

With Thanksgiving approaching, we – the Shauntets, as we have dubbed ourselves – thought it would be fitting for each of us to let you know what it is we are most thankful for in working for Shaunti.  So unbeknownst to Shaunti, we secretly set out to capture the thoughts of each team member.  Wish we could capture her face when she sees this on her blog on Thanksgiving Day!

I’m Cathy, Shaunti’s executive assistant and I have to say it really is difficult to pick just one thing.  I’m grateful for the remarkable women I work with day in and day out.  These ladies, Shaunti included of course, inspire me and remind me daily through their actions what it means to truly live and work for God’s glory.  I’m grateful for the crazy, hectic, always changing job responsibilities as it keeps us all fresh and energized.  But more than anything, I feel so blessed to work for someone who sincerely puts my family and personal needs as a priority.  I am an employee but my real identity is that of wife and mommy.  Shaunti has afforded me the flexibility to work my hours at my convenience.  I’m able to manage the job around my need to keep my home in order, cook dinner each night, volunteer regularly at the school,  and chauffeur my two busy boys to football practice each night.  So, yes, I am immensely grateful to work for someone who ‘gets it’ and who whole-heartedly supports all of the wonderful chaos that I have going on in my personal life.
I’m Linda, Shaunti’s executive staff and operations director.  Shaunti is one of the most generous people I have ever met.  She regularly gives to people she loves, to strangers, and even to the not-so-nice people. I’ve seen her give away things ranging from her books, her marriage talks, consulting time, breakfast for the Shauntets at our bi-monthly staff meetings, bonuses, gifts, and more.  Shaunti always, always, always prioritizes relationships over business … even if it’s to her loss. Living up to her name (Shaunti means Peace in Hindi), her desire for peace among everyone – whether at work or in personal life – is a value she pursues no matter what. She genuinely desires to honor God, to serve everyone at her events, and help alleviate relational pain in hurting people.  And while she’s ridiculously intelligent and has a memory like an elephant, she’s very down to earth and values participation from everyone on her team. Shaunti appreciates her entire team and recognizes the unique contribution each person brings to the whole. Working with someone and for someone like that is such a rare blessing.  And beyond Shaunti’s great attributes, our team works together so well, helping each other out where we can to share the load when deadlines press in.  We truly celebrate each other’s joys, cry together in the valleys, and pray together regularly.  I love this team – they are my sister’s in Christ.
I am Theresa, Shaunti’s project assistant.  One thing I am thankful for in working for Shaunti is that she is real and authentic.  She loves the Lord and is deeply concerned about people and helping them learn to understand and relate to one another better in all areas of life.  She’s genuinely interested in people and  their destiny and takes advantage of every opportunity  to minister.  For example, recently I accompanied Shaunti to an event where we overheard a woman sharing about her niece.  The young niece had accidentally swallowed laundry detergent, had seizures and was rushed to the hospital.  We were all so concerned and Shaunti spoke up and said, “Can we just take a minute and pray now for your little niece?”  She was preparing to speak before a group, she had details to attend to, but everything stopped for a few moments while we went before our Lord praying for this precious little girl and her family.  There are many other things I am thankful for such as her generosity, her support of all of our families, and the opportunity to be part of this wonderful team and ministry.
I’m Karen, Shaunti’s administrative assistant. While visiting my parents about 7 years ago, I picked up a small striped book on my mom’s hearth.  I finished the book over the next 2 days.  I returned to my church that weekend (where my husband serves at Senior Pastor) and quickly shared with the women in our Sunday School class that I had just finished a book that should be required reading, second to our Bible, for us as wives!  I had no idea that in the future I would help spread the message in For Women Only, as a staff member for Shaunti Feldhahn.  What an honor to be able to post on Shaunti’s blog with heartfelt thanks for her ministry and friendship!  I began working as Shaunti’s Administrative Assistant, about 6 years ago.  There are many benefits in working with these exceptional women, many of which have been shared by the other staff members here.  But something that has stood out to me over these years as I have traveled with Shaunti and answered emails on her behalf, and that is her unbridled compassion for each individual who takes the time to share a testimony of joy or disappointment.  I see a gracious consideration for each experience conveyed.  Her sincere desire to speak hope into their situation is contagious.  Honestly, even in full time ministry, there are times when I’m tempted to become cynical and disconnected with the pain of the circumstances that people are walking through.  Working alongside the women in this ministry and observing Shaunti take the time to listen and to pray challenges me more daily to “do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly with my God.” (Micah 6:8 NLT)  It is also a daily challenge as a wife, to live out the message in that little striped book.  We are not all perfect even though we wave the banner of respect, affirmation, trust, confidence builder and intimate lover. But we encourage one another and stand arm in arm to try to live a life that is God-pleasing and exemplary of the message we promote.  I saw this verse on a Thanksgiving graphic and I believe it sums up my experience of working with Shaunti and the other amazing women that are relentless in proclaiming her message.  Proverbs 11:25 from the Message Bible: The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped. 
Happy Thanksgiving!
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