Featured Resources

1-50 of 709 results
  • Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Making a Happy Marriage

    Newlywed? Engaged? Read the research-based habits for a happy marriage!

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  • Laugh and Learn

    New_laugh and learn

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  • Jeff and Shaunti at Lakewood Spark

    Speaking Descriptions

    Speaking Topics for Marriage Events with Shaunti Feldhahn

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  • 3 Great Ways to Handle Drama

    The man behind me at the grocery checkout was on his phone with his daughter—and…

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  • Image of an open book

    In Troubled Times, Remember How the Story Ends

    Early this year, you may have seen the meme that says, “Before I agree to…

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  • Keep Holding On . . . God Can Use Our Weaknesses

    Let’s anticipate the ways God will use these times to help us grow stronger in…

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  • We Are All Important to God’s Plan

    I’ve always been intrigued by Rube Goldberg machines—watching a complex series of items working together…

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  • Announcing Let’s Find Joy

    I have some exciting news to share and it’s just in time for Christmas! But…

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  • The Surprising Trick to Creating a Positive Cycle with Your Spouse

    Some surprising research has found that positive emotional responses toward our spouse may have much…

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  • background image or shaunti

    Little Things Make A Big Difference in Marriage

    When you’re working with couples on a regular basis, you probably wish you could do…

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  • I Am Relearning How To Find Rest—And I Need Your Story

    I Am Relearning How To Find Rest—And I Need Your Story

    Three years ago, I started a new season—writing not only research-based relationship books, but women’s…

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  • Make Your Marriage Happier By Keeping Score And Giving Back

    Make Your Marriage Happier By Keeping Score And Giving Back

    The highly happy couples I interviewed taught me that the best marriages actually do keep…

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  • Help Make Your Marriage Great By Being Grateful For Your Spouse -

    Help Make Your Marriage Great By Being Grateful For Your Spouse

    Have you ever been around one of those couples who just never seem to have…

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  • Here’s How To Be Romantic All Year - Shaunti Feldhahn

    Here’s How To Be Romantic All Year, Not Just On Valentine’s Day

    My encouragement and challenge to all of us: resolve to celebrate the spirit of Valentine’s…

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  • Woman and man exchanging a wrapped gift

    When You Exchange Gifts, Watch Out For This Conflict

    When you make the effort to understand and honor your spouse’s unique perspective and values…

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  • This Is What Makes Your Man Vulnerable—Be Aware And Take Care!

    An iceberg is typically 90% below the surface, with only 10% visible. Does your man…

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  • What Happens When God Interrupts Us In The Midst Of Our Stress?

    We’re heading into that crazy busy time of year known as the holiday season. And…

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  • This One Thing Makes a Huge Difference for Your Teen

    Parents, I have some encouraging news for you. Although we’re all suffering from just a…

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  • Part 4 — Your Husband Just Lost His Job: How to Respond

    As we venture through this time of uncertainty, I hope this series has been helpful.…

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  • Part 3: Your Husband Just Lost His Job: How to Respond

    In Part 1 we shared the surprising (shocking!) emotional factor at work inside most men…

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  • Part 2: Your Husband Just Lost His Job: How to Respond

    We are facing the greatest time of economic uncertainty in almost 100 years. Our world…

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  • Financial Friction? Money Strategies that Will Help Your Marriage

    It’s no secret that money can cause friction in marriage. In fact, many husbands and…

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  • Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 2 of The Unity Series)

    Happy Independence Day week!  Independence works well for nations in many ways, but can cause…

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  • Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 1 of The Unity Series)

    In a few days, Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July. With fireworks, flags, and…

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  • Pastoral Interviews

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  • The Emerge Stronger Series: Learn About Yourself and Your Spouse to Navigate Money Well

    This is the 5th and final part of a series that looks at the research-based…

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  • The Emerge Stronger Series: Come Together Around Money (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

    This is Part 4 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating…

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  • The Emerge Stronger Series: Get Emotionally Close While Being Physically Close

    This is Part 3 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating…

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  • The Emerge Stronger Series: Kindness Wins

    This is Part 2 of a series that looks at the research-based solutions to navigating…

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  • 4 Ways to Make Your Child’s Day

    Believe it or not, the answer is not announcing, “A free day off school!” (Although…

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  • Join the Launch Team for my new book!

    Hi friends! I am thrilled to announce that our next book is about to be…

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  • Let Your Husband Delight in Seeing You in All Your Glory

    We recently posted an article offering guidance to men who feel frustrated because their wife…

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  • Is Your Wife Shy About Letting You See Her Body? Try This!

    I recently heard from a man who was feeling frustrated because his wife is so…

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  • Yet Again: Don’t Believe the Doomsday Headlines about the Church

    “In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace.” That was the headline of an…

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  • Tips For Talking to Your Teen About Schedule Overload

    The new school year is in full swing (wait, didn’t we just take those “first…

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  • Does Your Wife Think Your Marriage Has Lost its Spark? Here’s How to Respond

    After getting their youngest child settled in at college for her freshman year, Phil began…

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  • A Big Picture Update From Shaunti — Two New Books Are On the Way!

    Hi friends! I wanted to give you an update on what’s been going on lately.…

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  • How to Encourage Your Teen to Talk to You More

    Summer is over and school is back in session! (Although here in the South, we’re…

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  • How to Avoid Painful Political Discussions with Your Spouse

    The most recent political campaign really did a number on civil political conversation—among friends, Facebook…

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  • Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood by Foster Cline, MD and Jim Fay

    Parents need help to teach their teens how to make decisions responsibly—and do so without…

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  • Why Your Wife Wants to Text You All Day

    Recently, a man at one of my conferences spoke up about a marital issue that…

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  • A Big Announcement From Shaunti!

    Hey everybody! I want to announce something very exciting that we have been working on…

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  • In the Wake of the Recent College Cheating Scandal

    Unless you’ve been holed up under a rock (I’m in “Cave Mode” while writing a…

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  • The Two Words Your Husband Really Needs to Hear: Thank You

    After another heated argument, Josh and Hannah came back together with calmer attitudes to sort…

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  • Make His Day By Doing This In the Bedroom

    What would you say if I told you that you could do one thing tonight…

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  • Help Your Teen Avoid Social Media Comparison

    Erica’s teenage daughter took out her phone for her daily ritual—taking photos of her outfit…

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  • The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received

    We recently celebrated our son’s 16th birthday. Trust me, Jeff and I spent more than…

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  • 4 Secrets That Will Kill Your Relationship (Or Your Business)

    Unless you’re in counterterrorism, nothing good comes from keeping secrets from those you care about.…

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  • Does Your Wife Worry How You’ll React When She Shares?

    I know what it’s like to take a daughter to college, and it’s not easy.…

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  • Support Your Husband in His Battle Against Visual Temptation

    It seems like we’re being bombarded on a daily basis with suggestive images everywhere we…

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