The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages

About the Book

Shaunti spent three years interviewing and surveying 1,000 couples to uncover the most important habits of the most happily married couples – what are they doing differently, that they may not even realize is making them so happy, that others can replicate? Where her best-selling books For Women Only and For Men Only revealed the most important inner needs of men and women, Surprising Secrets reveals what matters most in the process of relationships.

It turns out, there are 12 habits that most highly happy couples share, regardless of age or racial background or any other factor – little things that they are doing that many other couples (even those in pretty good marriages) may not do. And these habits yield gold for those who are willing to apply them. Even better, the actions and attitudes that create great marriages hold many lessons not just for marriages, but for many other relationships as well.

To move a marriage from blah to bliss…start here!

 Anyone can learn the secrets of a highly happy marriage!

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