For Couples Only

About the Book

This is a 2-book set of our most popular books. It can still be found at a few retailers. You may hear people say “I did the For Couples Only study” and they mean they read For Women Only and For Men Only together. Each book is based on a nationwide survey and more than 1,000 personal interviews revealing answers about the things each gender doesn’t “get” about the other, along with practical ideas for how best to love and support the people they care about.

Ideal for use in small-group discussions, marriage, and premarital counseling, or simply helping a couple grow in intimacy, For Couples Only provides fresh and relevant tools for building better relationships. The Twelve Tips in the Conversation Starter take FWO and FMO to a whole new level by helping couples personalize these books with suggestions to make sure your spouse knows what’s most important to you—and what your answers are to the survey. And now with the companion Video Study Pack, it’s easy and affordable to host your own couple’s study at home or church, or use for mentoring couples or privately. Learn the rules of engagement to create a safe atmosphere of exploring these books together, For Women Only and For Men Only—together in a boxed set.

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