Survey Verbatims – How Teens Think: The one thing they most wanted to say (from the For Parents Only book)

For Parents Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice

Note to readers: these are the verbatim responses of the teenagers to the last, open-ended question we asked on the professional survey. Of all the responses, several were garbled or unreadable. A few were deleted as having inappropriate content. A few others contained angry comments, and these are included below. But the vast majority were an outpouring from teens to their parents saying, essentially, “I love you” and “I’m sorry for all the times I’ve been difficult.”

Final Survey Question: “Now we want you to imagine something very difficult. If you were to somehow find out that your parents were going to die tomorrow, what would you most want to tell them today? {Please Type Your Answer In The Box Below. Please Be Specific And Include Details}”

  • All I would tell them is that I love them and I would always want them to remember that.
  • Anything to make them proud, happy and comfortable. Things to make them feel they raised wonderful kids.
  • Ask them to stay home to have a little more time with them.
  • Basically that I love them; that everything mean I’ve ever said I didn’t mean, and I appreciate them.
  • Dad, Mom, I love you with all my heart forgive me for all misbehavior and bad attitudes. I just love you so much.
  • Dad, Stepmother..I’m very sorry for all the things I’ve done to make you guys feel like you just want to give up on me. I just hope that you’d understand.
  • Stepmother.. I know I’ve always had jealousy towards you ever since you came into our family. I really regret saying that you should’ve never married my dad. I’m just really glad that God brought you into my life. Without you my dad, my sisters and I wouldn’t have made it his far. I’m just really sorry. If I could turn back time I would change my attitude towards you guys. I love you both!
  • Depends which parent… I would have different things to say in either case. My mom I would thank for being there and listening to my problems, comforting me when I felt down. My dad I would thank for all of his instruction and our debates about both of our beliefs that had us both learning more about each other and events in our world that influence people.
  • Even after all we’ve been through, I still love you both. The divorce and all the moving around meant nothing to me. All I ever needed was to know that you were there for me. Thank you.
  • Even though I have not acted like it all the time, I just want to let you know that I love you. Thank you for pushing me to become the best person that I could possibly be. Even though I may have felt that you were being unfair, I realize now that it was all worth it and that you did it because you love me.
  • Even though I’ve yelled a lot, and said some things that I wish I could take back, I just want you to know that I love you.
  • Even though we get into a lot of fights, the things I said never meant anything and even though you didn’t take it that way I always felt bad. I love you. :o)
  • Every single thing I ever did wrong I would want them to go knowing everything I ever did and make sure they forgave me. That’s the most important thing to me.
  • Every thing that I have done wrong
  • Forgive me for the wrong things I have done, tell them I love them very much.
  • How much I love and appreciate them.
  • How much I love my mom and how much I appreciate her even when I act like I don’t. She tries really hard, and I can act like a brat, but she means the world to me, and I’d be really heartbroken, like I can’t even describe how sad and depressed I’d be
  • How much I love them
  • How much I love them
  • How much I love them and appreciate what they have done for me. At times I may seem like I hate them, but I always love them and they have always supported me. I wouldn’t want them to feel like they have failed as parents. All of the jokes about us being poor was just me making a scene and overreacting. I love them so much and they will for sure go to heaven.
  • How much I loved them
  • I am so sorry for everything I have done in the past. I realize I have made mistakes and have acted stupid lately, but I love you and respect your opinions.
  • I am so sorry that I said any mean things too you. I love you soo much. I don’t know if I can live without you. I will miss you way too much.
  • I am sorry for all the trouble that me being a teenage mom has caused you. I truly know and appreciate how much you care about me and my son. Thank you for supporting us in hard times.
  • I don’t usually have a lot of secrets hidden, so I would talk to them as much as I can, and take school off…
  • I have always loved and cared for you.
  • I have no important secrets that I would feel like I needed to tell them, so I would make sure that they knew how much I loved them and appreciated everything that they have done for me.
  • I hope that is not the case but I would tell them that I love them so much and I can’t imagine life without them. I would tell my mom that I want to grow up just like her and that I want to marry someone just like my dad. They are amazing people.
  • I know I don’t say it often but I love you. You have been the only person I feel I can depend on besides myself. You struggle so much for me and I have appreciated everything you’ve done for me.
  • I know things haven’t always been great between us, the important thing is that you tried your best to raise me in the ways that you thought would work. Even though I screwed up all those times you still stuck with it. And more can be said of that in the world today than anything else. Because you so fervently believe in heaven, and because I now that if it exists you two are going there, I’m not going to be sad about this. You two have worked hard all of your lives and had very little to show for it. At least you’ll finally get some peace.
  • I love both of you very much. I realize that you both care about me, and I’m sorry for yelling at you when you nagged on me. You guys can be cool and fun to hang out with sometimes. I wish that sometimes you’d open your mind up and
  • realize that you are not always right, and that my opinion is just as valid as yours. I’m sorry for all the mistakes I’ve made.
  • I love her and am sorry for what she just found out that I did
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I love them
  • I Love Them
  • I love them
  • I love them and am sorry for everything.
  • I love them and appreciated all they do for me.
  • I love them and I am sorry for ever hurting them.
  • I love them and I never really meant to hurt them if I did.
  • I love them and I’m sorry for all the things that did or didn’t say and that they mean everything to me
  • I love them and I’m sorry for any pain
  • I love them and will do my best to make them proud.
  • I love them more than they will ever know.
  • I love them no matter what they ever did to make me upset in the past.
  • I love them very much and want them to be proud of me in the decisions I make with them not there
  • I love them very much. I would tell them all the good times and try to be very, very optimistic.
  • I love them!
  • I love them, and even though we rarely see eye to eye, I still value and respect all that they’ve done for me
  • I love them, I’m sorry for all the wrong that I did, I hope to see them in Heaven
  • I love them.
  • I love them.
  • I love them.
  • I love them.
  • I love them.
  • I love them.
  • I love them. That would mean more than anything else.
  • I love them. I am sorry for everything I said to them.
  • I love them. I am thankful that they scrimped to send me to a Christian school. I am thankful that they shared with me God’s love.
  • I love them. I will miss them. And I would want some advice on how to live life. I would want to know that they love me and be able to have a last good memory with them.
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I Love You
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I love you and although I bug you sometimes and make you feel like a bad parent, you have taught me to be the best I can be.
  • I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me. I am very grateful to have been in your lives. Thank you.
  • I love you and I appreciate everything that you have done for me. I know that you truly cared about my well being and I hope I was not to bad.
  • I love you and I thank you…for everything.
  • I love you and I will remember all the things you taught me over the years. You were great parents and I will always love you
  • I love you and I’ll be sure to do my best in life. I’ll do my best to succeed. I’ll take care of my sisters and my brother. Don’t worry.
  • I love you and I’m sorry for all the bad things I’ve ever done ever. Please don’t die!
  • I love you and I’m sorry if I’ve ever offended you- thank you so much for everything
  • I love you and I’m sorry.
  • I love you and save me a place next to you
  • I love you and thank you
  • I love you and thank you for every thing you have taught me and thanks for not giving up on me!
  • I Love You and thank you for EVERYTHING.
  • I love you and thank you.
  • I love you and thanks for all you have done for me
  • I love you and you were the best parents
  • I love you but I don’t like how you raised me. If you would just really listen to what I say instead of nod your head like you care and forget the next week what I am talking about we would be fine. Also if you really understood where I really was coming from you would try to help and stop comparing to another sibling it gets annoying because I feel like I have to live in her shoes. I hate it when you create scenes that could wait until later- like embrass me in public, and don’t give me the space I need especially when I am studying. I give you signals and you don’t look out for them.
  • I love you even though we have hard times.
  • I love you guys and I’ll miss you and I’ll never forget you.
  • I love you guys and I’m sorry about everything that I have done that you didn’t like
  • I love you guys and thank you for everything. I apologize for all the bad things I did
  • I love you guys and want to thank you for everything that you did to make me the best person you possibly could.
  • I love you guys but I wish you couldve been more involved with me and my life but not too annoying– all you guys did was drink and smoke and that really embarrased me. That’s why I had no one over and never told you when things were cause I didn’t want you to be there. But I will still miss you.
  • I love you guys it was a nice ride. I’ll make sure John is okay though
  • I love you guys so much and thank you for taking such good care for me. I’ll see you on the other side.
  • I love you guys so much. And even though we’ve had our disagreements, I’m so happy that I’ve shared my life with you.
  • You have done such an amazing job raising me and my siblings. You are the best parents I could ever have. I love you. And I want you to tell Ryan that I love him. He’s been there for a while, so I know my brother will take care of you. Look in on me from time to time. Make sure I’m doing alright. I’ve got family here to take care of me, till you’re ready to get me and take me home with you. I love you.
  • I love you I’ve always loved you I wish it could have been better but it’s been good enough I love you more than I let on and even though we hardly ever agree, I love you more than I can express. Thanks for trying to help even though i wouldn’t let you.
  • I love you so much and I’m going to miss you
  • I love you so much and I’m sorry for all the times I’ve disappointed and burdened you in various ways. You were a great parent, even though I didn’t tell you that more often. I can’t wait to see you in heaven one day.
  • I love you soo much that I would take the place of you.
  • I love you- thank you. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better kid.
  • I love you very much and I feel very lucky to have been raised by as great of parents as you are. You are my biggest role models and I have always looked up to you and cherished our relationship, and I am extremely thankful for all of the great times and memories we’ve had together. I could not have asked for better parents, and I wouldn’t want anyone else. I am the good person I am today because of your influences and guidance and I thank you for that.
  • I love you- you are the best and you have always thought about me
  • I love you!
  • I love you, and I think you have done an excellent job of raising me and my sister to be kind, generous, smart, and all round capable people.
  • I love you, really, I do. I’m really sorry that I’ve been horrible sometimes, and I want to make this last day the best for you. Can I clean the house? Or anything else?
  • I Love You.
  • I love you.
  • I love you.
  • I love you.
  • I love you.
  • I love you. I cant imange my life without you and i dont know if i can handle you being gone. Mom- you are the best thing that ever happened to me and you couldn’t be a better mom. I love you more than anything in the world. Thank you for everything that you have ever done for me. I’m sorry everything I put you through and I wish I could have been a better daughter. Dad- I will miss you lots. I Love you, but sometimes I feel as if I’m not good enough for you. But I know you love me more than anything. I love all the great memoires that we have, but its also hard for me to forget the bad ones. I will miss you with all of my heart. You could be such an awesome dad.
  • I love you. I thank you for everything you have done for me and I know that I have to live on, for you.
  • I love you. Thank you for always being here for me
  • I love you… and you did good by raising us.. don’t worry about me… you did an amazing job instilling good values in me. I might not think or believe the same way you do… but it’s good to know that you trust me enough to have my own opinions. You did the very best you could and you are the best parents I could hope to have. I love you….. you’re not allowed to die. I will be fine… Do you want anything? i mean, is there anything i can do? And more just trying to lighten the mood
  • I loved them very much & I respect and value everything they have done for me and all the decisions they made
  • I loved them, that I would miss them, and I would try to be the person they want me to.
  • I prefer not to answer or I would fill up this whole page with positive things.
  • I probably wouldn’t tell them that I was going to die, I would just try to spend some quality time with them.
  • I realize that we’re different and that we’ve had our fair share of disagreements, but no matter how much I say I wish I never knew them, I really do appreciate what they’ve done. Other than that, I really don’t know how much I could actually say to them.
  • I really adore you
  • I really appreciated what they had done
  • I really really really love you and I thank you for actually caring. Sorry for all the times you got mad at me and I got mad at you too- I really didn’t mean it and I hope you didn’t. And then I would cry.
  • I want to thank you for everything. Even though it may not seem like it sometimes- I love you.
  • I was told a year ago that my mom was goimg to die 6 months later so I already went through this, but just letting them know you love and appreciate them is the most inportant thing to let them know. They already know this but its different to hear it from their children.
  • I will always love you! Tell Daddy I said hi! I will see you again!
  • I will keep doing what is right and what they would approve of.
  • I will say that I love them and will still do and remember each and every memory-bad or good-in my soul.
  • I would tell them how much I love them and how much I care and I know they’ll always be there if they aren’t around.I wish that you would have listened to me and my opinons more and I wish that I could have let go all the anger and hurt your actions caused so that our relationship could have been better. I also wish that whenever I tried to let you know how I feel or let my emotions show that you would not have accused me of just trying to manipulate you. That you would have accepted it and said that you felt bad from what you were doing, not because I manipulated you that way.
  • I would apologize for what I put my mom through in my life and I would tell her that I love her.
  • I would ask them a lot of questions about when they are gone and ask them if they’re scared. I’d also make sure they are right with God and everything…so they can go to Heaven. I don’t want the last words I say to anyone be something mean…I want that person to know I love them and everything. That’s why every time family or close friends leave, or I finish talking to them, I say “I love you” and such.
  • I would just tell them I’m sorry for everything bad I’ve done and that I love them.
  • I would just tell them that I loved them and thank them for taking care of me.
  • I would let them know that I love them and that I appreciate all that they have done for me. I want my parents to know that I’m sorry for anything I have done to hurt them.
  • I would make sure they live the rest of any time they had left with me doing the greatest things in the world.
  • I would most like to tell my mom that I really do love her and that all the things I did in the past I never really meant…I did them because I was extremely angry and I needed to calm down a bit…I would also tell her that I would never forget her and the things she taught me I would probably tell them that I loved them very much and would like to thank them for everything they provided for me and helped me with.
  • I would say see you in paradise because Jehovah promises us believers everlasting life
  • I would say that I loved them and that they could have been a little nicer and lighten up a bit when I did something wrong. I know you were trying to bring me up right but I’m not dumb, sure I made some mistakes, but I learned from them, and I think you need to trust me more. I’m still only a teenager, but I am still responsible when I need to be.
  • I would talk to them about everything. Try to make it so that we can understand each other. I wouldn’t want to say “Well the past is the past” and leave it at that. No. I want us to work out every single thing that ever bothered us so we understand and love each other. I want both our hearts to be at rest so we can never say “I wish I could of said this or I wish they knew how I felt about that”.
  • I would tell my dad that I love him more than anything and that he was the best dad that he could have ever been, especially though the hard times.
  • I would tell my mother that I love her with all my heart and she will always be with me no matter what. I would also promise her to marry a beautiful smart woman who is perfect to me and have lots of kids and give them a good life. I would tell my father that I made it through the hardest parts of my life without him and I don’t need him in the future so he shouldn’t worry about me
  • I would tell my parents that I love them and they are the whole world to me even if I don’t act like it. I would thank for believing in me and loving me no matter what
  • I would tell my parents that I love them for who they are and who they have helped me become. I am thankful for every nice thing they have done for me and every little thing they have helped me with, and that I will live my life to the fullest while doing things that I know would make them proud. Then I would hug and kiss each of them telling them how much I love them.
  • I would tell my parents that I love them so much and I wish this didn’t happen. I would cry all day telling them I’m sorry for every wrong thing I have ever done. I would tell them I wish this wasn’t happening and if I could I would die for them. I would remind them many times that I love them more than anything, and they’ve helped me to live a happy life. I
  • I would let my parents know that they were successful in raising their child, and I would tell them I was happy that they are my parents.
  • I would tell them about my anticipation of meeting them in heaven. I would tell them that I love them and will try my best to retrieve them somehow, someday.
  • I would tell them every thing I’d done that they should know — all about my ‘love life’ that I hadn’t told them before, any good or bad incidents I had just kept from them for whatever reason, and, of course, that I love them.
  • I would tell them everything nice about them, make them think about happy thoughts, and comfort them.
  • I would tell them how much I love them and appreciate what they have done for me. That I would never forget them.
  • Ask them what they would like me to do for them after they are gone.
  • I would tell them how much I love them and how important they are in my life and I’m very proud to have parents like them. I’m very grateful that I have them and that they love and trust and care for me the way they do.
  • I would tell them how much I love them. That they made everyday of my life enjoyable. I would apologize for everything bad that I have ever done. I would thank them for absolutely everything and hug and kiss them.
  • I would tell them I love them and how much they mean to me. I am very close to my oparents so if either of them died I would pretty much lose it.
  • I would tell them I love them, and they were great parents.
  • I would tell them I loved them and that they were the best parents I could have ever asked for
  • I would tell them I loved them since day one and I’ll be there with you some day
  • I would tell them I loved them. And that I am sorry if I ever made them unhappy and unloved.
  • I would tell them that although we have had disagreements sometimes, I love them and I will miss them.
  • I would tell them that even at times, when we may have fought, I love them, and always will
  • I would tell them that even though a lot of times it doesn’t seem like I appreciate them, I really do. I’d also promise to turn out even better than they’d imagine and of course I’d tell them that I love them.
  • I would tell them that even though I may come across as stubborn and as unyielding, that in a way they have greatly shaped me and helped me become a better person and I hope that I have made them proud so far in my life.
  • I would tell them that I appreciate what they did for me and that I love them and that they have raised me well..and that even without them seeing me fully grow up that I would make them proud
  • I would tell them that I can take care of myself and my siblings. Also I’ll tell them that death is a way for God to tell us that ,whatever it is, our mission on earth is complete.
  • I would tell them that I love them and am sorry about all the times I might have treated them bad.
  • I would tell them that I love them and I dont want it to happen this soon. I would also tell them that I would miss them. And I would spend every last minute with them.
  • I would tell them that I love them and I’ll live a life that’s pleasing to God and do what I’m supposed to. I would also tell them that I’ll see them later in Heaven and that they should trust me to make good decisions because God is with me.
  • I would tell them that I love them and that even though their death will be hard, I am happy for them to truly go home to Heaven. I would also say that I’m excited for me to meet them there.
  • I would tell them that I love them and that I was sorry for all the things I had done, emotionally, to them in the past. I would tell them that I love them and that I’m sorry for all the mistakes I made
  • I would tell them that I love them and that I’m sorry for how I’ve sometimes acted when things haven’t gone my way.
  • I would tell them that I love them so much, and I don’t know what I would do without them in my life anymore. That I’m really sorry for the way I treated them sometimes when I was misunderstood or got in trouble for something!
  • I would tell them that I love them very much and I’m so thankful they have been there for me the past 16 years supporting me in all that I do. I would thank them for all the love and kidness they’ve shown me. Also for setting a wonderful example of how to live my life. I would ask that they continue to watch over me from heaven.
  • I would tell them that I love them!
  • I would tell them that I love them, more than I’ve ever said or shown. that I appreciate their high standards for me, and their punishing me when I did something wrong. I would thank them for teaching me good values, theology, common sense, and manners. I would apologize for all the times I’ve held grudges against them or thought that they were being stupid, or gave them trouble. I make sure they knew that they are the most important people in my life, and they have made me who I am. That they’ve been my friends and counselors, and I appreciate all they’ve done for me. I would tell them that I’d miss them, and thank them for sharing their Christian faith with me so that we have assurance of meeting again.
  • I would tell them that I loved them and I never meant to hurt them, that I would try to be the best person that I could be using them for strenth and that I would keep them close to my heart for the rest of my life and that I will always love them
  • I would tell them that I loved them and that no matter what had happened in the past between me and them, it was all forgiven and I would spend their last few hours with them.
  • I would tell them that I loved them and that they were the best parents I could ever have had. Even if I felt that they were not the best parents they could have been to me. I know that they tried their best to understand me but they can’t.
  • They say that they understand what I am going through because they were a teen once to but our generations are very different. Someway I can just imagine this conversation leading to a fight to decide who is right and who is wrong. In the end, I am just a kid I still have alot of growing up to do but they are my family and that is a bond nothing but death
  • I would want to tell them of all the stuff I have done and hidden from them. I would want to tell them of all the stuff I have done and hidden from them.
  • I would tell them that I loved them very much, and that I take them for granted too much of the time. I would tell them that even in times that I seemed to wish they would go away, I know that they were looking out for me and that I am so glad that they had always been there for me.
  • I would tell them that I loved them. That I would take care of my little brother and sister. That I am thankful for all they have done for me.
  • I would tell them that I respect everything they have ever done for me and that without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would tell them I love them and I’m very sorry for all the hurtful things I have ever said to disrespect or disappoint them. I would tell them I’m going to miss them a lot and no one will ever be able to replace the emptiness i feel when they are gone.
  • I would tell them that I truly appreciate all of the opportunities that they have given me in life. I appreciate them very much and I love them.
  • I would tell them that I’m sorry for all the bad things I used to do, and I would say that I love them more than the world itself.
  • I would tell them they have raised a great daughter and really taught me a lot. I would tell them I love them and thank you for everything.
  • I would tell them to forgive me for everything I did and that I love them with all my heart
  • I would tell them: “I love you, thank you for always being there for me through everything. I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused over the years. And you did the best you could do to raise me.”
  • I would thank them for the wonderful year I have spent with them. I would ensure them that I will find love and a family and the ideal job they want me to have. I would appologize for past mistakes and I would tell them I loved them so much.
  • I would try to talk to them, but cry trying to. If I could build up the courage to actually talk to them, I’d probably tell them that I wish they could stay alive because they are some of my main supporters.
  • I would want my parents to know just how I feel about them and that I love them very much.
  • I would want them to know that I love them and will miss them. Additionally, I would like to be assurred that they will be going to heaven when they die.
  • I would want them to know that I love them with all my heart, and that I will always remember what they taught me. I would want them to know that I would somehow make it on my own, and I would want them to know that God will always be there to take care of me.
  • I would want them to know that I love them, and that I would make sure that my little sister was okay.
  • I would want to apologize for all the times I messed up. I’d tell them that I loved them. I’d hug them.
  • I would want to let my parents know that they have made a huge impact in my life and I love them. I would tell them that I am sorry for anything I have ever done to upset them and hurt them and I’d thank them for always being there for me.
  • I would want to let them know that the opinions they have on things that affect me and my life, are important to me, even if I don’t like what they have to say. I would tell them that I was proud of them, because of how much work they’ve put in everything they’ve done and in raising me and my siblings. I would tell them that I love them and that I would try to live my life the way they wanted me to all along, because its what I always wanted even if I sometimes stepped out of that path to discover something new.. even when I made my mistakes, because its part of learning and it was something they might not have understood… but that they should rest assured that I would end up with a wonderful life because they cared.
  • I would want to say how sorry I was for some of the stuff that I did. I would also thank them for always being there for me and supporting me in alot of things. I would tell them that I loved them too.
  • I would want to spend the last day I have with them filled with love. I would want them to know that even though I may not show it all the time that I love then and will continue to love them.
  • I would want to tell my mom that I love her very much, that I won’t make the same mistakes she did, and that I’ll take care of my sister. I’d tell my dad I forgive him for what he’s done, and that I’ll try to remember only the good times. Also, I’d tell him that I love him anyway, despite everything between us.
  • I would want to tell them how much I love them and how hard it would be for me to let them go.
  • I would want to tell them how much i love them, and that even though I’ve done so many things wrong, it was to prove to myself that my parents were right. I don’t do things to make them mad, or annoy them.
  • I would want to tell them how much I loved them and that all those times I screamed and yelled at them that it was just because I was dealing with things in my life and it had nothing to do with them.
  • I would want to tell them I love them
  • I would want to tell them of all the stuff I have done and hidden from them.
  • I would want to tell them thank you for the way they raised me to be a good christian person. I would thank them for all the things they endured while trying to raise me right. I would tell them that I love them and respect them for all they have taught me and instilled in me.
  • I would want to tell them that even though their divorce changed alot of things, and both of them have struggled to keep up a relationship with my sister and I, that I still love them both, just in different ways, even if I haven’t shown it enough.
  • I would want to tell them that even though we haven’t always agreed on things I still love them and can’t imagne life without their support. I would assure them that I’m not going to mess my life up like my older sister, so they dont have to worry about her either. I’ll try to help my sisters out as much as I can.
  • I would want to tell them that I am proud of everything that they have done for me and that I truly love them.
  • I would want to tell them that I appreciate all that they have done for me, despite my negative reactions and nasty comments. That I love them dearly and that I will not forget them and I will make it in this world and end up a famous writer.
  • I would want to tell them that I love them
  • I would want to tell them that I love them and thanks to their hard work and discipline. I am the person who stands before the world today. That I will always be proud to call them my parents and that all the sacrifices that they have made in their life will not be wasted. I will always pursue my dreams and one day wish to be half as good parents as they were to me.
  • I would want to tell them that I love them and that they had been the best parents a kid could ever have.
  • I would want to tell them that I love them more than anyone else. I would want to thank them for allowing me to make my own life and for helping me to become the person I am and will be. I would want them to know that I will never forget them of what they have taught me. I would want them to know that I feel confident because of how they have raised me that I can get through anything and be ok. I want to thank them for the responsibility they give me and the trust they have in me. I would want to thank them for always caring for me above everything else. Also, I would thank them for allowing me to make my own decisions in life and for supporting me in my thoughts, beliefs, actions, etc.
  • I would want to tell them that I love them, and despite all the mistakes we both made they mean the world to me, and I hope they feel the same.
  • I would want to tell them that I love them.
  • I would want to tell them that I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate them enough.
  • I wouldn’t tell my parents anything different so they wouldn’t die sad or upset. I would do everything in my power to keep them from death if I could. If they knew they were going to die I would help them get through it and be with them until the last breath.
  • I wouldn’t tell them they were dying just because if I told them, they wouldn’t believe me anyway and the situation would be worse for me. Instead, just tell them how much I love them and try to spend as much time with them as humanly possible in the day.
  • I’d do anything to save them.
  • I’d like to tell them all the bad things I did my whole life and how I feel about them, if they were wrong or right. I’d also like advice on how to cope their loss and how to move on with life without them.
  • I’d say something cliche and obvious like “I Love You”, because it would’t be until at least the next day that I’d know what I truly should’ve said.
  • I’d tell my father I loved him and everything that I’ve never told him…
  • I’d tell my mom that I love her and that no one else could ever be as good to me as she is.
  • I’d tell them how much I love them and appreciate all they’ve given me and done for me, and how thankful I am for their Godly leadership in my life, as well as their friendship.
  • I’d tell them I love them and that I appreciate them always believing in me and for their trust (most of the time).
  • I’d tell them I love them more then they know.
  • I’d tell them I’d do something for them, maybe exercise more or eat better. And I would just chat as though nothing would really happen.
  • I’d want to tell them how much they mean to me, and really let them know what an impact they’ve made on my life. I would want them to feel like they couldn’t have been better parents.
  • I’d want to tell them that I love them and thank them for everything they have tought me, I would also promise them that they would look down on me in the future and be proud of what I had become because of what they had taught me.
  • If I found out that my parents were going to die tomorrow, I would tell them how much I love them and thank them for showing me how to be a good person.
  • If it were my mother that I found out was going to die tomorrow, I’d want her to know how much I care about her even though I didn’t show it most of the time, and that she’ll always be in my heart and in my soul.
  • them patiently and now I’m stronger. I love you so much.
  • If my mother was to die tomorrow I would tell her that I love her and that she will always be my best friend and to tell Gramie and Great Gramie Rosie that I said hi and that I miss them….but I would definitely tell her that I love her…and I wish she wouldn’t leave me like this and that I need her and don’t leave me alone in the world….
  • If my parents were going to die tomorrow, I would tell my parents how much I love them and I do notice the things they have done for me and I’m grateful for it. I would thank them for everything they done for me.
  • If my parents were to die tommorrow I would tell them I love them and thank them for being strict with me and showing a path of inevitable success and for keeping me out of trouble.
  • I’ll miss you. Thanks.
  • I’m adopting my brothers, and I love them.
  • I’m glad I have had such good parents to guide me through the trials of life. Thank you for always being there. I love you both
  • I’m glad you were here and I wish we would have talked more and enjoyed life together.
  • I’m really going to miss her and I thank her for everything she’s ever done for me. I wish she didn’t have to leave and
  • I’m sorry if I’ve ever done anything to her. I hope she rests in peace.
  • I’m sorry and I can’t wait to be with you one day I will miss you but not too much because how can you miss someone that is so close to your heart. I love you with everything I have.
  • I’m sorry for all the bad things I have done in my life and I love you very much
  • I’m sorry for all the pain I have caused you and I love you deeply.
  • I’m sorry for all the wrong things I’ve done and you have done the best job to raise me as possible. I will always love you no matter what happens.
  • I’m sorry for anything I ever did to anger you or make you upset and I love you
  • I’m sorry for everthing I have done. I love both of you very much..please don’t leave
  • I’m sorry for not always doing my chores and I know I should have helped out more, but I just made some bad choices.
  • I love you so much and I really can’t imagine life without you but you have raised me so well and I know all of my limitations and I am so grateful to have had a parent like you because you have helped me realize what kind of person I want to be in the future and what kind of dad I want to be to my kids someday.
  • I’m sorry for screwing up. I love you
  • I’m sorry, and I do love you…. Both.
  • I’m sorry, and I love you.
  • I’m unhappy but I don’t blame them. I love them but don’t want to be them and I will try to take what they have given me and mold it into who I want to be It would’ve been so much better if you acted like you trusted me, and if you realized I’m a good kid
  • It’s been good knowing you
  • I’ve always loved you from my subconcious mind when I was in the cradle even until now in my concious mind. I love you and I know I’ve never really been a good kid, but I just want you to know that I really love you for all the things you given me, taught me, and helped me with.
  • Just that I love them
  • Lets go out to the spa today, I’ll pay.I love you, I appreicate everything you sacrificed to make me a better person, I also appreciate all the meals you cooked, all the clothes you brought, all the diapers you changed, all the fights we went through, etc.
  • Love them so much!!!!!!!
  • Mom and Dad- even though we might have fought over some stupid things over the past, I still love you. You helped me to become the person I am today; thank you so much. You have taught everything I know, and I owe you. I’m sorry if I have been impatient with both of you in the past, and I hope you will forgive me. I will miss you so much, and I love you.
  • Mom and Dad- I love you and I am sorry for every thing I did to make you mad and I hope that you will forgive me. Goodbye isn’t forever it is just till we meet again. I love you.
  • Mom and Dad- you’ll never know how grateful I am that I am your son. Everything you’ve done for me, everything thing you’ve sacrificed, has not gone unnoticed. I love you both so much and I wouldn’t be the loving person I am without your love. Because of you both, I can survive in the real world. Despite all of our problems, you’ve guided me through them patiently and now I’m stronger. I love you so much.
  • Mom and Dad, I know that ever since we lost my two sisters, nothing has been the same. I know that you do not want to get close to me because you are afraid that you will lose me also. I love and care about you but, I am so upset that you never acted like you cared about me. And that you were always yelling at me for things I did wrong but never gave me praise for the things that I did right.
  • Mom and Dad, I love you so much, even though I’m a real jerk sometimes. I take back any mean things that I ever said, thought, or let someone else say. I’m going to miss you both so bad, I don’t know what I’m going to do without you both. I just can’t say I love you enough. I want to spend all the time with you that I can. I love you both so much.
  • Mom and Dad, I love you two dearly and cherish you close to my heart. I know that you have done your best to raise me. You have set high standards for me wether academically or physically. And everyday I work even harder to try to accomplish things that make you proud. I hope that I haven’t dissappointed you in many ways and yet, have brought happiness and joy into yourlives. I will never forget you or what you have taught me. And I will try to raise my children the way you have raised me. You made me grow up being nurtured, loved, and most importantly respected. And I thank you for all the times that you tried to protect me from peer pressure or bad and sinful means. Mom and Dad I love you dearly and I want you to know that I am very proud to be what I have become today due to your nurture and understanding. Thank You, and please forgive me for all the times that I have let you down. Sincerely, Your loving child.
  • Mom and Dad, you have both been great parents and friends to me. I know alot of kids that never did and perhaps never will get along with their parents, but we’ve been close even through my tough teenage years and our occasional arguements. I just want to thank you for teaching me determination, giving me full support for all that I do, inspiring my
  • ideas, and giving me love. I know you both worked hard and still are working hard under plenty of stress to put me through college and I appreciate, I really do, all that you have sacrificed for me. I can only hope to be half as good of a parent as you two are. I’ve learned that family is something that lasts for ever, something you may depend on later in
  • life; its just as important in adulthood as it is in childhood. Thank you for everything. I love you.
  • Mom and Dad…even though we’ve had issues in the past over stupid or even important things and I’ve said things that probably hurt you and our bond…I love you more then everything and I want you to know that. You have led me through every problem I have ever faced including the ones you weren’t even there for. Your life lessons and teachings over the years got me through those. Thanks for everything.
  • Mom, Dad- I am sorry for everything I should have listened to your rules and thoughts
  • My love for them, and my appreciation for what they’ve done for me in my life.of the experiences in life that you have given me. I love you so much.
  • Mom, Dad, I love you. Even though we constantly fight, I still love you. I wish we could have done more things as a family, instead of fighting. I wish I had a complete family picture of all three of us, instead of having a broken home. I never wanted to be put in the center of your arguments. Mom, I forgive you for kicking me out of the house. Dad, I wish you didn’t have to live by yourself and you could’ve come back home to Mom and I.
  • Mom, Dad… I know that it may not have always seemed like I appreciated everything you gave me or treated you with the most respect, but I want you to know right now that I love you. All those fights we’ve ever had, all those disagreements, they all taught me something- whether it was about myself, you guys, or life,- it taught me something. I will always remember what you guys have done for me and how they’ve helped me live my life. I will try my hardest to live up to the kind of life that you guys would like me to have. Mom, Dad, the point is that I love you, and I will always remember that. I’m going to miss you, more than anyone could ever imagine, but I will always remember the good times we had and try to figure out what the lessons were from the bad. I love you.
  • Mom, I know that you worked very hard to raise me right so that I’d become a great man, and although I would have liked to have things go my way most of the time, I’m glad that things happened the way they did. If it had been different, I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today, and I like how I am. I realize it’s difficult raising 4 kids all by yourself,
  • and having a crappy job where your students don’t respect you, but I know you tried your best at everything you did, and I love you dearly for that. Thanks for being there when I needed you most.
  • Mom, I love you. I’m sorry for all those fights I brought upon myself. You are a great person. Dad, I love you. You inspire me with your motivation no matter what goes wrong you will work to make it right.
  • Mom, you have been the best mother in the world for me. You have made me feel so much more confident in myself then I could have ever felt alone without you. You have been that one thing in my life so far that has kept me going, and I know I wouldn’t have gone so far without you. Would you like me to read to you mom? Hold your hand? I love you. Dad: I know we have had our differences in life, and havn’t always agreed on things. But I want you to thank you for all of the experiences in life that you have given me. I love you so much.
  • My love for them, and my appreciation for what they’ve done for me in my life.
  • My mom is my only parent, but I would tell her that I love her a lot and that she did so much for me. I’d tell her you’re the only person in the whole world that truly loves me. And that I would always keep her in my heart. There’s so much to say that I can’t explain it. If she were to die my life would be incomplete.
  • No matter how many difficulties I cause you, I still love you.
  • No matter how much I yell at you that I say hate you and that you ‘don’t understand’ I know you’ve always had my best interests at heart. Even if I didn’t always agree with your actions or decisions, I know that what you did, you did because you loved me.
  • Sorry for all the times I messed up and that I truly love them and they were good parents.
  • Sorry for causing problems
  • Tell them all the bad things I’ve done. And tell them I love them.
  • Tell them I love them
  • Thank you and I love you.
  • Thank you for all the sacrifices you’ve made for me, I LOVE YOU, and thanks for always believing in me
  • Thank you for everything for bringing me into the world. Then we would live the rest of their lives
  • Thank you for giving birth to me and I love you.
  • Thanks for everything. I love you.
  • Thanks for rearing me the way that you have thus far. I know I don’t agree with everything you say, but your basic principles of life have made me a better person and have prepared me for a successful future. I love you.
  • That after they were gone everything would be okay
  • That even though I don’t say it or show it at times, I love them. and I’m sorry for everything I ever did to hurt them.
  • That I do love them and that I’m sorry for the past and that they were a huge influence in my life and I will miss them.
  • That I love her and not to worry about us, that we will be ok.
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them
  • That I love them . I’m sorry for disrespect and disobedience.
  • That I love them a lot
  • That I love them and appreciate their support
  • That I love them and ask for their forgiveness for all the harm I’ve caused them.
  • That I love them and even if they make me mad that I know all that they have done for me was just an effort to make me a better person.
  • That I love them and even though I disagree with them sometimes I think that they raised me right.
  • That I love them and even though we have gotten into some big fights I still appreciate everything they have done for me. I would tell them that I wish they could stay longer so I could give them grandkids to repay them for the life they gave me.
  • That I love them and I am thankful for everything they have done for me. I will try my hardest to make them proud of me. I will tell them all the things I never told them before about things I had done and say sorry for when I hurt them.
  • That I love them and I couldn’t be who I am today without them.
  • That I love them and I don’t know how I’ll live with out them. Also that I’m sorry about all the trouble I put them through.
  • That I love them and I will miss them both. I would ask them to somehow help or guide me through my tough times even though they wouldn’t be there with me, and also to send me some kind of a sign that they are ok wherever they are and that dying is not so bad as I may think it might be.
  • That I love them and I will never forget about them. That I will take good care of myself and always make the right decisions.
  • That I love them and I will see them again in paradise when God will resurrect them.
  • That I love them and I’m sorry for everything I did bad. I am going to make them proud no matter what it takes, and that I will miss them and love them.
  • That I love them and I’m sorry for not being as nice as i could’ve been at times, but they were still the best role models and parents any child could ever have. I would tell them that they were gifts from God and I was blessed to have them as my parents
  • That I love them and I’m sorry if I don’t show it all of the time.
  • That I love them, and wished that there would have been more time to get to know them
  • That I love them.
  • That I love them and really apprectiate them.
  • That I love them and really do appreciate everything that they do for me.
  • That I love them and respect them as people and parents. Also that I am happy to have had them as parents and they shaped me in a good way to be a good person.
  • That I love them and sorry for everything that I have done and I appreciate what they taught me
  • That I love them and stuff like that. And that I’m sorry for any crap I gave them before about stupid and meaningless things.
  • That I love them and thank them for always being there for me
  • That I love them and thank them for being there for me
  • That I love them and that even though we fight a lot and they never seem to have time or want to listen to me, I know they tried
  • That I love them and that I always took to heart what they were telling me.
  • That I love them and that I am so happy to have had them in my life to teach me all that I know.. I would say that I thank them for all they have done for me and that they would always be in my heart.
  • That I love them and that I was thankful for all they did for me
  • That I love them and that I will take care of my brothers and sister.
  • That I love them and that I would be very sad to see them go, I would want them to know that they didnt have to worry about me and that they taught me how to do the right things and that I wouldnt let them down. Also I would want them
  • to know that everything that happened in the past was then and that I didn’t care about that stuff anymore, and then I would tell them I loved them again and I would make sure that there last day was great.
  • That I love them and that I’m so sorry for everything I’d ever done wrong. I’d find a way to make it so they didn’t die.
  • That I love them and that they mean so much to me and that I will miss them and that I will try to be a good person
  • That I love them and that they raised me well- that I would go on to lead a good life and not become a drug addict or a drunk or anything like that. I would get a good job.. wait to get married and make sure I found “the one” and that I’m going to raise a good family and teach my kids things that my parents taught me
  • That I love them and that they’ll always have a place in my heart.
  • That I love them and they have helped me be me.
  • That I love them and they raised my very well.
  • That I love them and they were a good parents.
  • That I love them and will miss them
  • That I love them and will never forget them. I would also say thank you for raising me in the proper way, for always being there for me, and for loving me.
  • That I love them and wish we could have more time together so we could go do more things together.
  • That I love them even though I am not always showing it, I still love them very much.
  • That I love them more than anything in the world
  • That I love them more than anything, that I respect them and are grateful for everything they’ve done for me. That I would miss them more than they could possibly imagine, and that I would do my best to remain a good student, person, and friend. I would also apologize for everything I’ve ever done that may have hurt them in any way.
  • That I love them more than anything.
  • That I love them so much and I would take care of my brothers and for them not to worry about anything
  • That I love them so much and thanks for everything they taught me and for all the love they gave me and sorry for all of the trouble I have caused
  • That I love them- they are the best people in my life
  • That I love them very much and I’m so thankful for all they have done for me. That I would see them again in heaven but I would still miss them greatly.
  • That I love them very much and that I appreciated all that they have done for me.
  • That I love them very much.
  • That I love them very much.
  • That I love them very much.
  • That I love them with all of my heart and I know i’ll see them later
  • That I love them, and I don’t care about the mistakes they made with me.
  • That I love them, and that I would be fine without them because they have raised me up in the right direction.
  • While it is a difficult decision, I would attempt to be ridiculously honest with them, perhaps telling them about things I haven’t told them before. Of course, how I feel about them and my care for them.
  • That I love them.
  • That I love them.
  • That I love them.
  • That I love them.
  • That I love them. I’m not like them, but I do love them, and I accept that they’re different from me, just like I want them to accept that I’m different from them.
  • That I loved them and ask if there is anything I can do to settle their troubles.
  • That I loved them and I’m sorry for being a difficult daughter.
  • That I loved them and that I was sorry for everything I’d done. I would tell them that if they didn’t know the Lord, this would be a good time to meet him.
  • That I loved them and that they are the best parents in the world. And because of them, I will become an outstanding citizen of the world. I will try to emulate them as much as possible in raising my children.
  • That I loved them very much, and that they showed me what it was like to be a respectable and good human being.
  • That I loved them very very much, and I am very thankful for all the times they have been there for me. I would also thank them for all of the things they have let me do, even if they were somewhat against it.
  • That I loved them, because it’s the truth
  • That I really do love them and that they always were there when I really needed them.
  • That I truly respect them for everything they’ve done for me
  • That I was so grateful that they have put the time and effort to raise to a nice young man. I love them dearly and appreciate all they do.
  • That I was sorry for treating them the ways that I did in the past and I wish we could have been closer.
  • That I will see them in the next life; that this is not the end of journey in existence together. I would recap on all of the amazing and memorable moments we’ve all shared while we were here on earth, thank them for raising me into this world to become a strong individual, and remind them that even though I will be mourning their absence in the flesh, I will find peace of mind in knowing that they are always in my heart. I would speak to them about the overabundance of
  • love I possess for each of them, and pray that they understood me.
  • That I would miss them and they wouldn’t be forgotten
  • That I’m sorry for being mean. That I dont mean to be that way. I love them even if doesn’t show.
  • That I’m sorry for giving them a hard time all the time.
  • That no matter the arguements we’ve had I will always love them and that I know that they will be watching me from up above and that me knowing that they’re there watching over me will motivate me to go to distance to not let them down. That no matter when I said or done in the past that they always meant the world and more to me and that I thank God for letting me have the greatest parents a kid could ask for even if it doesnt last forever.
  • That the most important morals and judgements in my life have been shaped and influenced by their advice. That even though they have asked me to reconsider a situation, they never directly denied me to do something.. and that I value that freedom. And of course, that I love them.
  • That they are going to a good place and I’ll see them in heaven
  • The main thing: I love them, and I will miss them. I appreciate them so much and everything they’ve done for me.
  • They’ve raised a good kid and I’m going to go far.
  • They did a good job.
  • They helped make me who I am, and there is nothing better than that. Parenting is the hardest job on earth, and you succeeded. I’d tell them that because it’s true.
  • They’ve been good parents and I love them even if I never say it.
  • This can’t be happening! I love you so much, how can this be? You won’t see me grow up, you won’t see what I can do, I just can’t believe this could happen. I have to go live with my real dad now, and I just can’t do that. I don’t think I can let you go. I just love you too much.
  • To Mom: Thanks for being there for me and doing your best, I love you.
  • To not worry about anything I would do my best to take care of everything also to not have any regrets and to let me know everything they had to I would set aside everything to spend every minute with them and do everything I could possibly do to make their last hours memorable
  • Well, for all it’s been worth, you have been wonderful parents, and the discpline and lessons you have taught me will continue to pay off. Looking back, thanks for being great parents, and good luck.
  • While it is a difficult decision, I would attempt to be ridiculously honest with them, perhaps telling them about things I haven’t told them before. Of course, how I feel about them and my care for them.
  • You have always been there for me and I hope that when we did fight it was nothing big- I’m going to love you no matter what
  • You tried to hard to cover up your mistakes by restricting my freedom